Monday, June 2, 2014

a starbucks proposal


I'm just as much of a Starbucks fanatic as the next girl. So, firstly, let's get something really important straight: THE SECRET MENU IS NOT A THING. No matter what app or website you're referencing, the barista is likely to have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to the "secret menu."


Barista: "Hi! How are you doing today?"
Customer: "Cotton candy."
Barista: "Er..what?"
Customer: "Secret menu. Cotton candy."
Barista: -slow blink-

You guys, I'm currently writing this in a Starbucks and this just happened... literally just heard this happen behind me.

Oh no... Now she's telling her friend about the "amazing secret menu app." Help.

So now that we've established that, let's get to the point of this post. Fortunately, you can pretty much customize every aspect of a Starbucks beverage; down to the number of espresso shots, pumps of syrup, etc. Sidenote: My mom gets 2 1/2 pumps of syrup in her drink. Not 2...not 3, but 2.5 pumps of syrup. SMH AT MOM. While I don't ever take a shot at this "undisclosed menu," I DO get a little creative upon approaching the barista who is just so excited to take my complicated order (SECUHRITY!). 

I want to share with you guys the PERFECT summer refresher. If you're anything like me, you don't think that coffee or espresso is really all that compatible with summer, even when it's iced With that being said, shoutout to my biff and fave Starbucks employee, Shanhan, for inspiring this drink.

I'm a sucker for the Starbucks refreshers, but the only one I really enjoy without modifications is the Valencia Orange. Aside from that, the best refresher to get is as follows:

Ask your barista for a Cool Lime Refresher, but ask them to make the drink with lemonade instead of water. Next, get creative with the kind of fruit they put in the drink. I prefer raspberries, but strawberries are also a really great choice. To get the full potential out of your drink, be sure to ask for light ice so that you get more drink than ice.

Hope you guys try this out! I really enjoy it. Let me know what you guys think! You'll thank me later.


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